Pink Tags
DEADLINE TO ORDER: December 20, 2024
“Pink Tags”, one-of-a-kind release forms, are used to accommodate requests from retail buyers to purchase one-of-a-kind samples. The accommodation is provided for one-of-a-kind samples only; it is not provided to sell samples that are not one-of-a-kind. In compliance with Texas State Law, WESA Trade Shows are not designated as sales venues. Please advise your buyer of the following guidelines so you are not pressured into an early release situation.
- A one-of-a-kind sample that does not “change the look” of your display, from the opening hour of the Trade Show, may be sold at any time, but may be released only at the close of the Trade Show day. Releasing a sample during Trade Show hours is a violation of the Trade Show rules and a $300 penalty.
- A one-of-a-kind sample that does “change the look” of your display, from the opening hour of the Trade Show, may be sold at any time, but may be released only at the official close of the Trade Show on Sunday. Releasing a one-of-a-kind sample that changes your display is considered “dismantling” and is a violation of the Trade Show rules and a $1000 penalty.
- One-of-a-kind samples that fit into briefcases, handbags or Trade Show bags to not require pink tags.
- The “Pink Tag” release form does not change or conflict with WESA Trade Show policy regarding samples. Samples, including duplicate sample lines, may not be sold or removed during Trade Show.
Exhibitor Use Agreement
Complete and submit this form, only if you sell one-of-a-kind samples based on the criteria above.