Wednesday — Friday, 8:30am — 6:00pm
Saturday, 8:30am — 3:00pm
It is very important to WESA that only qualified buyers have access to the website information and attend Trade Shows. We require each potential buyer to submit a retailer application. Once WESA approves your retailer application, your account credentials allow you to see more Trade Show information, access each Trade Show directory, and sign up to attend Trade Shows.
The buyer registration opens on April 1, 2025.
The Western and English Sales Association understands the concern for your privacy; therefore, we put a high value on protecting your information. We do not sell your information to the general public in any shape or form. However, we will make certain information available to the membership as we deem fit.

To attend our next Trade Show:
- Sign in to your existing account below
- On the Account page, verify your contact information
- Register for Next Trade Show
- Receive your badges in the mail
Make your first visit easy and productive by using the information below to prepare for a great Trade Show experience.
NOTE: If the information you need is not here, contact WESA at 800-295-1041 or email

The following are required with your Business Application for entry either in advance or on-site:
- Copy of Government-issued photo ID (for individual completing this form)
- Copy of Business Card, Voided Business Check, or Business Credit Card
- Copies of a minimum of three (3) invoices from three (3) different Western/English manufacturers showing quantity purchases for resale*
- Copy of Government-issued retail license/certificate
*Additional options for Start-Up Businesses ONLY
Options are temporary until invoices are provided to complete this registration
- Copy of Retail/Commercial Lease for storefront and/or copy of formal Business Plan
- Photo of completed storefront or of working mobile unit
- Website address or website design contract